Written Correspondence Tutoring

Send in your request and we will send you a quote – as easy as that!
How Our Written Services Work
  1. Client sends request (content and due date).

  2. TutoringCo evaluates and sends the estimated time required with a quote attached.

  3. Client approves quote by signature and payment.

  4. Tutor completes the task and sends the written work back to client.

  5. Client gives and communicates feedback.

Suggested Platform:
  • Email
  • WhatsApp and Telegram also accepted depending on availability of tutors
  1. Feedback or queries of the written work done by tutor may be done by client at no extra cost.
  2. Payment must be made before a tutor works on the task.
  3. Unquoted work that has been added to the task will be additionally charged for.
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